Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Max's First Birthday

We enjoyed a terrific party with tons of family and friends celebrating Max's first birthday. As usual everyone was way too generous and Max got a huge haul. We didn't even unpack everything and plan to give him a new toy or two the next couple months.
We can't thank everyone enough for their generosity both of gifts and time. We are blessed!
A birthday beer with Dad.

Max's cake matches his shirt!

Getting ready to try some cake!

Testing out the smash cake.

Not crying, mostly yelling!

Max and Rylee
Max and Sadie go for a ride.

Friday, April 9, 2010

I'M ONE!!!!

The Max is now officially one year old.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter 2010

One thing I'll always remember about Easter is in 2009 it's the day Max came home. That year it was just a Sunday to me, the day my first baby came home, no need for church or a big meal or anything else. I just wanted to spend the afternoon in my own house with my new little family. Well this year, we had an almost-1 year old! We enjoyed church then took Max home for his nap. Then we went over the big house to enjoy Grandpa's delicious signature steaks off the grill. Max was very dapper in his suit and tie. Unfortunately I only got a few shots before my camera died!