Wednesday, January 28, 2009

HYPESTORM 2009!!!!

So we had our first Hypestorm of the year, as James lovingly calls them. That's basically when we get some freezing rain and a nice sheet of ice on all the roads and sidewalks. And while yes, it can be quite dangerous - it is ice after all, not just snow to be plowed - it is certainly no cause to rush to the store and buy bottled water and batteries. Seeing as the temp should get to about 40 today, everything will be melted by mid afternoon. But that doesn't stop ALL the schools from closing, and ALL of downtown from shutting down. Seriously, it is a ghost town here, I can see 5-10 cars on all the street surface parking lots down there. And of course it's a great excuse to skip work if you live any sort of distance away - which we don't. So of course James and I are both working today. We did see 3 fender benders skidding around on our way to the office this morning, but I attribute that to lousy drivers more than anything. Really? Riding your brakes down a slope in the road? Good idea? Not so much.

And of course, Bruce loves this weather. James like to say that's because "he's from Labrador and loves the cold!" Of course I have to remind him, while Bruce does wear a fur coat, he is in fact from Florida and lives in hot-most-of-the-year Texas. But it's in his name, so he's from Labrador! This morning I wanted him to go potty before we left so I didn't spend the day wondering if he used his dog door then wiped out and was laying in the driveway with a broken leg (see what a good mom I'll be??). So I shoo him outside and it was like a cartoon. He doesn't carefully cross the tile patio, no he hauls butt across it with all four limbs flying under him like a crazy man. Across the driveway and into the grass he goes, does his business, and races right back across the ice in the same way, skidding inside the back door. He may be getting grey beard, but he's still a puppy at heart.

In baby news, well there isn't much. Still moving right along, I'll be 30 weeks on Friday and seeing the doc every 2 weeks now. I feel like I'm bigger by the day and this boy is going to be an acrobat I think, but we are both healthy. He likes to crush my lungs a lot and I have a nice backache every night, but that's about the worst I can say. The nursery still isn't done - OK it isn't really started, but I think about it a lot, that has to count for something. We really, really plan to make progress on it this weekend. All I really need done is getting rid of the furniture in there, clean the carpets and paint. We're ordering furniture online that James will have to put together - that ought to be a treat. (Love you babe!) But we figure no matter how good your intentions are to use that convertible crib for years to come - it's just not gonna happen. So we're going the cheap and easy route instead. We think he'll want the race car bed in a few years anyway.

That's about all the news recently. Thanks for checking in!

I am so handsome. Even with my grey beard!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Since I never even publicized this..

No one will sass me for setting it up with one blog and then adding nothing for a month. What can I say, I forgot. Well, to catch everyone up on the latest happenings....

We had a terrific Thanksgiving with my folks in NC. We hung with (2 of) my brothers and their families, I can't believe how big all the kids are getting! We ate and (James) drank lots and generally enjoyed the annual madhouse the folks so patiently put up with. I am sure it's a pain to host, but it sure is fun to attend!

December was pretty uneventful. In great pregnancy news, all of our scary-disease tests came back so strong we opted - and the doc agreed - for NO amnio for me. Hooray! That was one giant needle I didn't care to see. I also just had the diabetes test which also came back negative. So aside from continued tiredness and backaches, I have had a pretty easy time so far. For those who care, yes my belly is popping out nicely these days! I actually decided I will go ahead with the maternity pictures, since Brenda (our wedding photog) insists and even James thinks it's a good idea. She of course, invited Bruce; so I figured why not commemorate my expanding girth with some photos right! Fun! So stay tuned for a sample of those in a few weeks.

We spent a wonderful Christmas with the Parkers here in Dallas. We attended mass and had a big dinner followed by gift-giving on Christmas eve with the family. Then another big meal and the annual Trivial Pursuit Boys Vs. Girls Challenge on Christmas Day. And since I'm writing this and James isn't, you get to know that the girls SMOKED the boys in both games PLUS the add-on Catchphrase rounds we had. Thanks for the good-luck caramel corn Mom, it worked! I also think it helped that I was completely sober and James was, um, not. A good time was had by all.

We spent a relatively quiet new years eve out to dinner then had dessert and champs with friends. That was dual-celebratory champs too, since Ilene and Chris just got engaged - congrats guys!! (Dad, you remember Ilene, she was my step mom at the engagement party HA!)

We just got home from a weekend in Vegas followed by a quick night in Phoenix for the Fiesta Bowl. Texas pulled out a nail-biter against Ohio State, scoring in the 4th quarter with 16 seconds to play, to win the game. There was much celebrating, even if they didn't cover the spread. That promises to be my last trip for a while, traveling absolutely takes it out of me. I'm glad to be grounded for now, but I'm sure I'll be whining in a month that I never go anywhere.

So now we're settling into the new year, getting ready to celebrate both our birthdays. As usual, the time flies, as we turn another year older and anticipate a great year in 2009. Bruce continues to be the best dog ever and no matter what anyone says I'm sure I'll still find time to scratch his chin even after the baby is here! I am 27 weeks today as I write this, so we're starting to get close. This weekend likely brings the tearing-down of holiday decorations and cleaning of the guest room, so we can get serious about getting the nursery - which we haven't started - done. We still need a crib and furniture, so we'll get on that soon too, as I know you most often have to order it. And of course hopefully a Giants victory on Sunday vs. the hated Eagles.

We hope everyone is well and I promise to post more often and include pictures in the coming weeks, since I have my new laptop at home to do it! Happy New Year!!