Friday, March 27, 2009

The Nursery

So here are some photos of the nursery, before and after. We are thrilled with the outcome, I didn't ever want it to be too babyish and thought the stripes and white furniture were a little cleaner of a look - since really this is my room for the next year or two til the little man takes it over. It's more or less done, with some accessories yet to go in there. Our bedding is planes, so you'll see some other plane accessories on the shelves and in the mobile. Yep, that's Bruce's bed below the window - which he is already using! And yes, that is the new tv with cable and dvd. What can I say, we need something to do during those midnight feedings! And this is US we're talking about!

I am 38 weeks tomorrow and had a doctor's appt this week. Suffice to say he won't be arriving anytime too early, that's for sure. No dilation yet and he seems to have dropped a little but not all that much yet. I guess he figures he needs a little more basting in the oven, even if he is fully cooked!



And After!

Miraculously, that weekend I also caught this close up of the elusive and rarely seen Spotted Labrador Retriever! (Told you - he LOVES his Grandpa and was always under foot, even for painting!)

Friday, March 13, 2009

You asked for it

Here are a few of the shots we took with Brenda a couple of weeks ago.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our Baby Shower

So Ilene & Chris hosted at their home (along with cohosts Monica & Storm and Connie & Rob) a shower for us while Mom & Dad were in town a couple of weeks ago. Yes, I said a couple of weeks ago, but I just now got some photos from it so I just now mention it. Of course, it was a great party and fun was had by all. Our pals were way too generous and we left with a criminal amount of loot! But it sure was appreciated, because I'm certain I don't know the half of what-all a baby needs yet! So to everyone who came to help us celebrate - THANKS! And to those who couldn't make it (esp family far away) - we missed you! We really did have a great time - it was more of a bbq for friends who brought us gifts than a traditional shower. I am NOT a fan of the silly games you often have to play at showers and mercifully Ilene didn't make us do any. Good times!

So yes, I also said "while Mom & Dad were here". They came in for that long weekend to help us do the nursery. I'd like to say "finish" the nursery but really aside from cleaning out the room, we started and finished that weekend. Something about having a set amount of time to have the help really kicks ya into gear. Plus Dad is not exactly known for leaving projects half done! Dad did all the painting and such (hardware, curtains, lights) for both the nursery and bathroom, James did most all the furniture-putting-together and Mom and I mostly did the shopping and accessorizing. Bruce of course supervised - MAN does he love his Grandpa Glen, "me and my shadow" kind of thing! Quite the team effort if I do say so. But we're thrilled with the result and super relieved it's done, since we're getting down to the wire, only about 4+ weeks to go! We have a few finishing touches to put in there so I should have pix up this weekend. But I leave you with a few from the shower (yes, of course I wore black - but it's a funny t-shirt!). The "pretty" shots still aren't done yet, don't hound me!

Mom and Dad enjoying the gift opening.

Me and a couch full o' loot!

James and I opening a gift.

Pat and Jennifer posing.

James opening Phyllis' gift.

Lisa and John and baby Jordan (Zy's older-woman-to-be!)

Monica, Aaron, Kristi, Alex and baby Jordan - she's the life of the party.

Mom, Dad and me

Ilene, Connie and Monica