Friday, September 18, 2009

A few more photos

Big eyes and big smiles!

Who is this coming my way?

It's the very Big Dog!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm 5 months old! And Baptized!

So Max turned 5 months old on September 9, Grandma Glen's birthday! He's still growing like crazy and lots of fun. We've really mastered eating cereal, though we had to move on from rice cereal to oatmeal banana. Can't blame him, that stuff tasted like paste. In another week or so we'll be onto real baby food! His tooth is coming in nicely and he continues to teethe quite a bit, so I think another is quickly behind it.

Max's Baptism was also last Sunday. It was a wonderful ceremony and it was terrific to have my folks and Godfather/Uncle Dino in town. Here are a few shots from the ceremony and party - sorry they're in backward order. Plus a couple of random cute shots at the end.


Check out my fancy cake!

Proud parents and Godparents.

Dad, Mom and Baby Max

Kisses from Uncle Dino

All dried off and feeling much better!

Yikes that's cold water!

I'm a shark! Peeking at Dad.

I LOVE bathtime!