Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

We had a terrific time in the NC mountains with the family. Max's Great Grandma was even there to meet him. The only person missing of course was Dino. But we had a loooong 16-hour drive up and Max slept thru most of it, we drove overnight. But he got out of the car with a smile and managed to stay on schedule, and therefore with his usually sunny disposition all weekend! The cabin was awesome, lots of room for everyone with a pool table, air hockey and darts plus huge decks on two of the three levels. We all brought too much food, not enough booze, and had a wonderful time catching up.

Our First Family Thanksgiving!

The gorgeous view off the deck

Hanging out with Dad

My new jacket

This penguin kicks ass!

Seriously, I love him!

Grandpa telling secrets again

Grandpa pointing out the sights

Julien on the deck at sunset

Smiling Max

Great Grandma!

The grandsons

In the kitchen

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dino and Max

Here is one I just stumbled on in my saved emails from Dino. He was here for Max's christening - cuz that's what Godfathers do. Max was napping and I went to get a pedicure, so when Maxie woke up, Dino took him out front for pictures, cuz that's what you do, jammies and bedhead and all! Are they just the cutest!!

Austin Bound!

Well Max and I made our first trip of the season down to Austin. Mom and Dad met us down there to see the city and to watch Max while we were at the game. The Parkers toured them around the city Friday and when James, Max and I got to town, we met up for lunch. Saturday the UT Longhorns were playing my mighty UCF Golden Knights. Yes, dad's alma mater played mom's and we're still a happy family! But me being mom, I get to dress Max so he wore his Golden Knights tee shirt! Of course he spent part of his weekend in Longhorns gear but he started off in his World Champion New York Yankees outfit! Such a cutie.

Mom and Max at the Oasis for lunch.

Max in his Yankee outfit.

Max and Grandpa giggling and telling secrets.

Grandma and Max at the Oasis.

Great pic of Max's adorable Austin nursery. All Longhorn of course, and Pat found this amazing Knight and painted it gold just for Mom's side of the family!

Grandma and Max in Longhorn gear. Check the shoes.

Mom and Max after the game.

Knights AND Longhorns!

Max and Dad Longhorn'd up.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween 2009

Some fun pictures of the Little Man in his Halloween outfits, yes outfits, plural.

What can I say, the kid couldn't run around school all day with a tail. But it turned out school had "jammie day" on that Friday, so he wore his cute jack-o-lantern jammies Grandma Parker had gotten him. Good call Grandma!

This was just a cute outfit Grandparents Glen got for him on their last trip. I love my new outfit!

Oh no wait, I hate it!!!!!

Such a cutie pie, growing like a weed. He's 7 months old today! We just spent a weekend in Austin with both Grandparents. A good time was had by all, and Max got to sleep - at least part of the night! - in his new Longhorn nursery. It's adorable, and G. Parker even got a big Golden Knight, representing Mom's UCF Knights. I have no idea where she found it, but it's awesome.