Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mad Max

Big Boy yawn! Big Brother Bruce keeping an eye on Maximus! My second ballgame, last weekend. Yankees tonight! Hi Uncle John back there! I'm trying soooo hard to smile, and I sometimes even smile back at you, but not for mom's camera!

Another week gone by already, I can't believe Max is 7 weeks old tomorrow! We're getting quite good at getting out and about if I do say so myself. Big trips, little outings, we just try to get out every day for some reason or another. We've been to 2 ball games, lots of lunches & dinners, and countless errands. I am back to work in less than 3 weeks now, I'll miss him terribly, but must admit I look forward to some brain stimulation beyond tickling tummies and dirty diaps!! Just as I'm sure James is looking forward to something beyond "Well we had a huge poopy blowout today!" when he asks how our day was. Max will be joining Children's Choice childcare, affiliated with Children's Hospital in a few weeks, highly recommended (thanks Ashley & James!) and really nice. I'm looking forward to my own meltdown on his first day, but I am sure it gets easier. Anyway, here are a few new photos and a video with daddy. XOXOXO

Friday, May 15, 2009

Take Him Out to the Ballgame!

So we enjoyed a lovely spring night out at the ballpark at Arlington this week. Max saw his first Texas Ranger game and was a champ!! Cuz, you know, he's advanced.... I used my nifty envelope sling thing, and he seemed to like it, even if I thought he looked squished. But we figured we'd better get him out there now, while they're in first place, since the next time that happens he's likely to be in middle school.
Here he is!

Here's Max and Bruce from a week or so ago.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Non-Baby Max post

So we saw Star Trek this weekend. It. Was. Awesome! Loved it. And here's what Bruce does all day long...

Friday, May 8, 2009

One month and double digits

Yep, Mad Max is a month old already! Hard to believe. We're through the growth spurt and the every-hour feedings, thankfully. For Max's birthday, he gave me a present - two days in a row of 5 hour sleep nights! What a world of difference that makes!

Max also lost his cord stump this week, which is nice, since that thing was pretty nasty! He also officially hit double digits, 10.1 lbs at the doc's office. I do think that his weight gain helps with his sleeping, as even the nurses agreed that the 11 lb. rule was not a wives tale. 11 lbs. seems to be the magic number for when they can sleep through the night, so we'll soon see.

More pictures on the way. I can't find my converter and my big memory card in my good camera doesn't plug directly into the computer!

Monday, May 4, 2009

A weekend of firsts.

So we had a big weekend around here. Max had his first meal out, lunch at Genghis Grill with mom and dad. Of course, he was a total champ, awake and alert and well behaved the entire time! He did so well in fact, we decided to take him out to dinner. We decided on Henk's European Cafe, one of our favorites - for their brats and beer! Saturday was a good evening for that, because it's generally much less busy and they don't have live music like Fridays (the awesome accordian or tuba players) plus the weather was bad so we figured it would be quiet, a good first test. Well we figured wrong, place was packed and the accordian player was in full swing. Well Mad Max was once again a champ! He snoozed the entire time, garnering him many "Oh he's so cute and what a good baby!"'s throughout the evening. Then we went for our first walk yesterday, the whole family enjoyed an unseasonably cool evening stroll. Once again he snoozed and didn't make a peep. What a great kiddo. I can't really be surprised, he is advanced after all...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Three Weeks!

Yep it's been three weeks already. Though I can't believe it, the bags under my eyes surely give me away. No matter what anyone says, no one can really REALLY prepare you for how much work a newborn is. And what a joy he is too! The sleepless nights are worth it, Max is a great kiddo (so far :). We are (hopefully) at the end of a growth spurt, quite literally. I didn't realize babies had these intense spurts but they do, around 3 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 months I'm told. Basically it just means he wants to eat pretty much all the time. So it made for a few rough nights but he's starting to go more than an hour before he gets hungry again! And I'm healing well too. If you didn't know I ended up having a c-section unexpectedly, though it wasn't an emergency. After about 7 hours of labor, my contractions were getting pretty hairy and causing Max's heartrate distress, it crashed hard and scared us for a minute there. So my doc decided it was best for both of us to go get him.

But now he's a big healthy boy, I think around 9 lbs now. At his 2 week check last week, he was back up to 8 lbs. 3 oz. and up to 22 inches - an inch an a half longer! That put him in the 91st percentile for height, clearly something he gets from his Mom.

Grandma and Grandpa Glen got to come spend a week getting to know their newest (fourth!) grandson last week. It was great to have them here, I didn't realize how much help I could really use. James had gone back to work just one day after we got home from the hospital so it was tough going for a while. Grandpa even found time to paint all our house trim and front door! He sure does hate to sit around :) And of course having Grandma and Grandpa Parker just around the corner is just invaluable to us. They always make sure we have everything we need around here! And Grandma came and sat with Max for me while I went and had a fun-filled root canal yesterday. At least with the nitrous and movie (installed in the ceiling, very cool) it wasn't as bad as childbirth!

I'll try to keep up with current pictures but believe it or not it's hard to find the time. Love to you all!

Napping in his favorite position. Of course in this BYOB outfit (thanks Aunt Kristi!) he looks like he's taking up mom and dad's habits :)

Our little family!

This one's actually from his first week home, but he's too cute in his Longhorn jammies.