Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Just a few more

Somehow Mom and Dad's photos are better than mine I think, here are a few more...

Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm A Half!

Yes Max is A Half now! He turned 6 months on Friday. We spent a fun weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Glen in town. It was unseasonably cold here so we had to make an emergency run to Babies r Us to get some cool weather clothes - of course G&G hated that! So we bundled the boy up and headed over to the Dallas Arboretum. Even on such a grey and cool day, we had a great time snapping pix among the tons of pumpkins and gorgeous landscape. Mom and Dad can't wait to come back in the spring time when the blooms are out.

This one is actually highlighting Max in his sandals a few weeks ago. He had no idea what to make of those.

Hooray Max! Among the marigolds.

Mom, Max and Grandma by the waterfall

Pumpkins everywhere.

Max LOVES to bounce - just grab his hands and off he goes.

More marigolds.

That is one big pumpkin.

Max and Grandpa smiling at each other.

This is Max at supper time. It's hard to see in this pic, unless you click to enlarge, but do you see a second pair of eyes to his right?? Yep the Big Dog sits right next to him waiting for bites. It's pureed veggies Bruce, seriously? Yep, he always cleans up Max's face and bowl!

Max, yesterday on his way to school, sporting one of his new cool-weather outfits. And bouncing!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


My boys just before game time a couple weeks ago! My rockin' Giants are 4-0. What's that you say? The Cowboys? Oh, they're 2-2, at the bottom of the division. So sad! HA.