Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Shot Day

So Max had his check up today. He is in great health thankfully, weighing in at 17 lbs. 2 oz and 26 inches. Both measurements are about the 80th percentile for his age. Still a big boy! We've given him rice cereal a few times now and he's enjoying it. And by enjoying I mean making squinchy faces! Here's a short video.

He also had his 4 month shots, which wasn't fun but he did ok. A little crying then he fell asleep in the car. And sure enough, that's a tooth I felt coming in, his bottom left. Doc said it's a little early for that but, you know, he's advanced. :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Milestone

So today I hit a new milestone...I showed up at work with a little Max poopy on my pant leg. Yep he had a blow out when he sat on my lap just before leaving the house this morning. I figured it was a rite of passage. I leave you with a shot of Bruce allowing Max as rider, go figure.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm 4 months old!

So Max hit 4 months yesteday! We celebrated with some more swimming and a nice dinner out with the whole family. His nifty new pool floaty was a big hit and will be even better when he can hold himself up steady instead of just sort of floating up flat. He's growing like crazy, over 16 lbs. I'm sure, but we go to the doc for our next check up in a couple of weeks to find out exactly how big he is. He continues to be such a sweet baby boy, very good natured and blessedly not a cryer. So a few new photos below. The "little surfer" outfit is in honor of his soon-to-be Godfather Dino! Jennifer (James' sis) also agreed to be his Godmother. We're so thankful to them both!

This first photo you may ask yourself, Self, what is this a picture of?? Well it's this new toy hammock I got for all his stuffed animals. It keeps them off the floor and out of big dog jaws. Well I'm out here in the front of the house and Bruce is barking his fool head off. I rush back into the nursery to find him BARK BARK BARKING at this! Yep, he was protecting us from the "other" big dog in the room. Pretty funny.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Some more recent photos

Bruce's first time allowing Max on him. Doesn't he look excited?

Big Dog!

Dad and Max in their matching blues.

Max looks up to something in this picture.

The Smiley Man.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

This is Max just this morning in his bouncy chair. I think he's actually a bit small for it, but he seems to like it anyway - in short bursts at least! He's again fighting off a cold, thus the cough and sneeze, so I can only hope he's going to have the immune system of a Terminator in 8 months. But he continues to be a total doll, and the apple of our eyes.